敬拜队 Worship Team

時間 Time:周四 Thursday 7.00pm-9.30pm,兩周一次 Fortnightly.

負責人 Person in charge:Nick 田汶豐

我們的敬拜队在每兩周四晚上聚會及練歌。我們有個宗旨:要領人敬拜主, 我們首先要成為一個敬拜者。因此我們不但只練我們的歌唱技巧及樂器,我們更加在追求及學習成為一個真正的敬拜者。如果這也是你的信念,歡迎加入我們的團隊。

Our worship team is meeting fortnightly to practice our Sunday worship services’ songs and music. We have a motto, that is: we first need to be a worshipper, before we can lead people to worship! Hence we are not here just to practice our vocals and various instruments, but we are here to seek and learn to be a true worshipper.. with or without music. If this is you, come join our team.

