禱告會 Prayer Meeting


我又告訴你們:若是你們中間有兩個人在地上同心合意地求什麼事,我在天上的父必為他們成全。 因為無論在哪裡,有兩三個人奉我的名聚會,那裡就有我在他們中間。

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

馬太福音 Matthew 18:19-20

時間:周四 Thursday 7.00pm – 8.30pm  (每兩周壹次 Fortnightly)

負責人:Dixon 吳牧師

2017 禱告會日期 Prayer Meeting Schedule

1月 JANUARY : 12th , 26th

2月 FEBRUARY : 9th , 23rd

3月 MARCH : 9th , 23rd

4月 APRIL : 6th , 20th

5月 MAY: 4th , 18th

6月 JUNE : 1st , 15th, 29th

7月 JULY : 13th , 27th

8月 AUGUST : 10th , 24th

9月 SEPTEMBER: 7th , 21st

10月 OCTOBER : 5th , 19th

11月 NOVEMBER: 2nd , 16th , 30th

12月 DECEMBER : 14th , 28th