讲道录音 2017

Sunday, January 1st, 2017


又一年的恩典 Yet Another Year of Grace 31 Dec 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

上帝最伟大的礼物 God’s Greatest Gift 24 Dec 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

一个婴孩的出生 A Child is born 17 Dec 2017 Rev Park Yong Su

作信徒的榜样 Setting an example 10 Dec 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

属灵或属零 Getting Spiritually Fit 3 Dec 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


在基督里站稳 Standing Firm in Christ 26 Nov 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

同舟共济 We are all in this together 19 Nov 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

服事教会的呼召 The Call to Serve the Church 5 Nov 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


领导教会的呼召 The Call to Lead the Church 29 Oct 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

男人女人及教会的服事 Man, Woman & Ministry in Church 22 Oct 2017 Rev Kheng Hai Lim

万人得救 为人代祷 Salvation for all Pray for others 15 Oct 2017 Ps Daniel Ngieng

大鱼吃小鱼 Big Fish Eat Little Fish – A New Perspective 8 Oct 2017 Dr Timothy Lim

罪大恶极 The Worst of Sinners 01 Oct 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


律法的教义The Doctrine of The Law 24 Sep 2017 Sis Esthel

维护真理 The Battle for Truth 17 Sep 17 Rev Dixon Goh

谁来接棒 Passing the Baton 10 Sep 2017 Rev Dixon Goh 

苦难的意义 The meaning of suffering 3 Sep 2017 Janeeyre Liaw


打敗你的巨人 27 Aug 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

让高墙倒下来 Let the wall fall down 20 Aug 2017 Dr Joe Huang

全然委身 Total Commitment to God 13 Aug 2017 Rev Kheng Hai Lim

别把你的长子的名分给卖了 Do not sell your birthright 06 Aug 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


即或不然 But If Not 30 Jul 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

神和政治 God & Politics 23 Jul 2017 Ps Daniel Ngieng

分心或全心 Distracted or Devoted 16 Jul 2017 Rev Dixon Goh Video

与神亲近 Quite Time with God 9 Jul 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

一棵栽在溪水旁的树 A Tree Planted By Streams Of Water 02 Jul 2017 Rev Dixon Goh Video


你的宝贝在哪里 Where Is Your Treasure 25 Jun 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

人也是宝贝 People Are Treasure 18 Jun 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

福音就是宝贝 The Gospel Is Treasure 11 Jun 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

招聘启示 Recruitment Notice 04 Jun 2017 Rev Dixon Goh Video


绝望中的力量 Dare to be Desperate 21 May 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

罪人的医生 The Doctor to The Sinners 07 May 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


身心灵的医治 Total Healing – Body Mind and Soul 30 April 2017 Rev Kheng Hai Lim

鬼猪之间 Of Demons and Pigs 23 April 2017 Rev Dixon Goh Video

与复活主相遇 Meet with the Risen Lord 16 Apr 2017 Dr Joe Huang Video

谁在你的船上?Who is in your boat 09 Apr 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

各就位,预备,跑 On you mark, Get set, Go 2 Apr 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


钱财事宜 Money Matters 26 Mar 2017 Ps Daniel Ngieng

令耶稣惊喜的信心 Faith that surprises Jesus 12 Mar 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

他愿意 He is Willing 05 Mar 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

负伤的医治者 The wounded healer 19 Mar 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


何等顾念你 He cares for you 26 Feb 2017 Philip Yu

大筵席 The Great Banquet 19 Feb 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

患难中的盼望 Suffering in Hope 12 Feb2017 Ps Daniel Ngieng

太初 In the beginning 5 Feb 2017 Rev Dixon Goh


恩上加恩,力上加力 Grace upon Grace, and Strength to Strength 29 Jan 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

明智的选择 The Wise Choice 22 Jan 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

提防假冒 Beware of Counterfeits 15 Jan 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

两条门路, 一个选择 Two Paths, One Way To Life 8 Jan 2017 Rev Dixon Goh

至于我和我家,我们必定侍奉 As for me and my household, we will serve 1 Jan 2017 Rev Dixon Goh