Dixon吳鎮元牧師自1998年就在教会积极侍奉,直到2003年被神呼召念神學。2006年在紐西蘭聖經神學院Bible College of New Zealand (現今的Laidlaw College) 畢業后便开始了全职的牧养工作。Dixon吳牧師曾在新加坡教會也擔任了三年多的青少年及职青事工的牧者工作, 所以擁有全面的牧养經驗。出生于馬來西亞,自小在新加坡就學成長,1993年移民到紐西蘭。吳牧師在多元文化及多種語言的环境中成長,不但使他對不同文化有深入的了解,也培育了他精晓英語、華語、粤語、福建閩南語及客家話的語文能力。吳牧師在恩典中認識主耶穌, 獲得了生命的改變。他希望有更多的人能認識主耶穌基督及經歷祂豐盛的慈愛。
Dixon吳牧师和 Dorcas琳明師母育有一個年幼的兒子基殿。
Rev. Dixon has been serving in the church since 1998. In 2003, God has called him into full-time seminary training at the Bible College of New Zealand (BCNZ), now Laidlaw College. After graduating from BCNZ in 2006, he started his full-time pastoral ministry. Rev. Dixon has also been serving as a Youth and Young Adults pastor in Singapore for over three years, and thus given him a well-rounded pastoral ministry experience. Rev. Dixon is born in Malaysia, studied and grew up in Singapore. He came to Auckland, New Zealand in 1993. Growing up in a multi-cultural and multi language society, this has enabled Rev. Dixon to have a strong understanding and empathy of people from different cultural background. This has also nurtured him to have a good command of different languages and dialects like English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and Hakka.
By the grace of God, Rev. Dixon came to know the Lord Jesus in 1997 and his life has not been the same ever since. Rev. Dixon would like to see more people encountering the Lord Jesus in their life journey, so that they can also experience His immeasurable love and grace.
Rev. Dixon is married to Dorcas, and they have a young son, Gideon. Come meet them at RCBC.
我們的長執會由牧師及執事組成 (由會眾選舉產生的兩年制團隊)。長執會對教會成員負責,並擔當監管教會事工及團體之責。
Our church board is made up of deacons (who are elected by the congregation for a two year term) and our Pastor. The board is accountable to our church members and is overseeing various ministries or groups in the church.