禮儀 Ordinances
- 浸禮:乃信主者全身浸沒水中,由水而上之禮儀。此禮儀並無洗滌罪污之作用或含義。凡得救之信徒,經引証信仰堅定,履行此禮乃公開表明其已經與基督同死、同埋葬、同復活的信心。
- 主餐禮:乃受過浸禮之信徒在神家中共同紀念主耶穌基督之禮儀。餅乃象徵基督之身體,杯乃象徵基督之寶血。
According to the New Testament’s teaching, our church established two ordinances: Believer’s Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which are both symbolic and have no salvation effect.
- Believer’s Water Baptism: Believer is to be fully submerged in water, and come out again. As such, the believer is publicly announcing his faith in Christ, and symbolically stating his death, his burial and his resurrection with Christ.
- The Lord’s Supper: Baptized believers observing the Lord’s Supper to remember the Lord Jesus Christ. The bread is a symbol of Christ’s body; the cup is a symbol of the blood of Christ.