讲道录音 2016

Thursday, January 7th, 2016


交换礼物 Gift Exchange 25Dec2016 Ps Dixon

他们知道这是圣诞节吗?Do they know it’s Christmas 18Dec2016 Ps Dixon

得赎的盼望 Hope of Redemption 11 Dec 2016 Dr. Joe Huang

金科玉则 The Golden Rule 04Dec2016 Ps Dixon


有求必应 Ask and It Shall Be Granted 27Nov2016 Michael Bao

受浸及我们 Baptism and Us 13Nov2016 Ps Dixon

论断人 Judging Others 06Nov Ps Don Dickson


不要担心,只要愉快 Don’t worry, Be Joyful! 30Oct2016 Ps Dixon

肯定的教导,选择的回应 Affirmative Teaching & Choice of Responses 23Oct2016 Philip

禁食:属灵的操练 Fasting-It’s A Spiritual Discipline 16Oct2016 Ps Don

你祷告了吗?What Have You Prayed 09Oct2016 Ps Dixon

 阿门 Amen 02Oct2016 Ps Dixon


特工教会 Christian Intelligence Agency (C.I.A) 25Sep2016 Ps Dixon

爱让人得以完全 Love the call to Perfection 18SEP2016 Ps Don Dickson

A Renewed Life 11Sep2016 Ps Jon Ng

 A Tooth For A Tooth 4Sep2016 Ps Dixon


Keep Your Word 28Aug2016 Ps Dixon


偷眼 Wandering Eyes 14Aug2016 Ps Dixon

思想犯罪 Thought Crime 07Aug2016 Ps Dixon


耶稣-这个世界的需要 Jesus – What the world needs 31Jul2016 Michael


The Beatitudes 17Jul2016 Ps Dixon

The Beatitudes(8)-Belssed are those who are prosecuted 10Jul2016 Ps Don

天国八福(七):使人和睦的人有福了 The beatitudes(7)-Blessed are peacemakes 03July2016 Ps Dixon


Mihi To Thank 26Jun2016 Ps Dixon


Prayer and God’s kingdom 12Jun2016 Richael Murray

The Beatitudes(6)-The Pure in Heart 05June2016 Ps Dixon  Only recorded 1/3 of the whole sermon, sorry!


The Beatitudes (1) – Blessed are the poor in spirit 01May2016 Ps Dixon

The Beatitudes(2)-Blessed are those who mourn 08May2016 Ps Dixon

The Beatitudes(3)-Blessed are the Meek 15May2016 Philip

The Beatitudes(4) Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness 22May2016 Michael

The Beautitudes(5)-Blessed are the merciful 29May2016 Ps Dixon


手下留情 Be Merciful 24Apr2016 Ps Dixon

一主,一灵,一异像 One Lord, One Spirit, One Vision 17Apr2016 Susan

主是我的牧者 The Lord is my Sheepherd 10Apr2016 Ps Don

喂养我的羊 Feed My Sheep 3Apr2016 Ps Dixon


耶稣的空坟墓 The Empty Tomb of Jesus 27Mar2016 Ps Dixon

不是预期 Unexpected 20Mar2016 Philip

感恩:学懂委身 Thanksgiving learning to Commit 13Mar2016 Ps Peter Ho

背起十架 Take Up Your Cross 05Mar2016 Ps Dixon


Prodigal son 2 28Feb2016 Ps Dixon

Prodigal son 1 21Feb2016 Ps Dixon

What is Faith 14Feb2016 Ps Don

Grace Upon Grace 07Feb2016 Ps Dixon


唯一 One Way 31Jan2016 Ps Dixon

Seize The Day 24Jan2016 Philip

What Is Christian Marriage 17Jan2016 Ps. Don

Holy Holy Holy 10Jan2016 Ps Dixon

A Message For The New Year -Be Wise 03 January2016 Ps Dixon